Sunday, January 26, 2020

Can Nanotechnology Transform Hydrogen Fuel Cell Cars?

Can Nanotechnology Transform Hydrogen Fuel Cell Cars? Juan Manuel Vargas Ferreira    Can Nanotechnology convert hydrogen fuel cell cars into mainstream vehicles?   Ã‚   Section 1: Abstract The aim of this report is to determine whether Nanotechnology can transform hydrogen fuel cell cars into mainstream vehicles through improvements in the cost of catalysts (Section 4:A) plus hydrogen production (Section 4:B); battery life (Section 4:C) and the safety of hydrogen storage (Section 4:D). The word mainstream for this report means that there will be at least 1.15 million hydrogen fuel cell cars on the worlds roads [the number of electric cars in the the planet (Carbon brief, 2016)] Section 2: Introduction      Ã‚   Nanotechnology is about observing and manipulating matter occupying the nanoscale, which is ranges from 1 nanometre to 100 nanometres (, nd). A nanometre is one billionth of a meter or 100 000 times smaller than the width of human hair (DigPhilosophy, 2013). Nanotechnology is a principle factor in improving hydrogen fuel cells, which are devices that harness the energy of hydrogen to make electricity via a chemical reaction without combustion (CHFCA, nd). These devices will be crucial as they are utilized to make zero carbon footprint cars. Reducing the carbon footprint of humanity will reduce the far reaching effects of global warning, which encompass ecosystems and agriculture among other variables (Barret, nd). Therefore, the development and implementation of hydrogen fuel cell cars will have a great influence in safe guarding life in our planet. [DS1] Section 3: Methodology Financial Sources for Research For any project to go forward to the physical research stage there must be internal and/or external sources of finance. Some examples include government grants, companies and non profit companies (Understanding Science, nd). For my own research, the most appropriate source of finance would be familys income. This is because I will solely be carrying out secondary research. Creating a budget for Research[DS2] The budget required for my research entails the consideration of the following: Cost of broadband (SKY, 2016) Cost of electricity (sust-it, 2015) Cost of leasing of a computer (HARDSOFT, 2016) Cost Specification Monitory Cost (pounds) Broadband 16 Electricity 0.34 Leasing a computer 65 Total cost 81.34 Research procedures and techniques In order to carry out the necessary research I used the Internets extensive database. The techniques involved in this kind of research are web browsing, which involves writing the topic or question you wish to explore in a search engine and extracting revelation information from the sources that appear. The other technique involved is referencing with the world renowned Harvard referencing model. Ethical Issues: Nanotechnology[DS3] Although Nanotechnology has an array of very useful applications some ethical concerns were raised against its implementation. Such concerns revolve mainly around the fact that it is not yet clear whether nanoparticles can, in fact, interact negatively with our cells. There are already examples of other types of particles of similar dimensions causing harm to our bodies. Such an example would be car fume particles being deposited in our lungs (techNyouvids, 2013) and possibly causing cancer, cardiovascular diseases and asthma attacks (Nairaland Forum, 2013). It is therefore only logical to question whether nanomaterials will have the same or worse effects on our health. As a result, more research would have to be carried out if Nanotechnology is to be an established discipline with common practice within society. Section 4: Results and Discussion A: Reducing the cost of the catalysts Nanotechnology can reduce the cost of the catalyst (normally Platinum) used in a hydrogen fuel cells as less of the catalyst would be used (Soutter, 2016). In order to scale down traditional catalysts, the top down manufacturing process can be used, which involves breaking down material of larger dimension into the desired nanomaterial (GrennFacts, 2016). Notable disadvantages of this process include the fact that a lot of material is wasted ([2], nd). and that approximately 250 complex steps are required to have the finished product (NanoScale Systems, 2015). An alternative technique is the bottom up manufacturing process, which entails building nanomaterials by constructing single atoms and molecules (GrennFacts, 2016). Additionally, since the catalyst is at nanoscale it will have a greater surface area; increasing the reactivity of the catalyst and so the speed of the fuel cells chemical reaction (, nd). The benefits can be further developed by the introduction of porous nano support structures such as nanotubes, which would make the platinum nanoparticles even more accessible for reacting (Soutter, 2016). This would mean that electricity would me delivered to the motor more quickly and so increase the acceleration of the hydrogen fuel cell vehicle. Such an improvement would definitely make it more competitive in the market and aid fuel cell cars to enter into mainstream industry waters. Furthermore, the development of nitrogen doped nanotubes can replace platinum catalyst. Hence reducing the cost of hydrogen fuel cells since the cost of the catalyst amounted for 25% of the overall fuel cell cost (Soutter, 2016). The cheaper cost of nanotube catalysts is not the only advantage they offer; they will also provide the fuel cell with the same or greater power output compared to the standard platinum catalyst. It is also important to consider the fact that nanotube structures are also stronger than conventional catalysts meaning they are not compromised by carbon monoxide when reacting chemically to create electricity. Such improvements would mean that fuel cell cars are even cheaper; more powerful and have a longer running life. As a result, Nanotechnology is certainly aiding this emerging car technology to enter the main road of the 21st-century commercial vehicle industry. B: Reducing the cost of hydrogen production Around 75% of everything in our universe is in fact hydrogen (Dnews, 2015). As result utilizing this abundant element to fuel our cars seems like a well-funded idea. Its production is also not in its infancy of development as the U.S creates 9 million metric tones of hydrogen annually (Dnews, 2015). However, current methods of hydrogen production are not ideal. An example would be that the method of obtaining hydrogen by breaking natural gas with high temperatures and pressures produces carbon dioxide. Another procedure involves splitting oxygen and hydrogen atoms in water with electricity, formally known as electrolysis (Dnews, 2015). Unfortunately, electricity for electrolysis is mainly obtained through the combustion of coal that is another carbon dioxide emitting process. The process of hydrogen production is also a notoriously expensive procedure, which is part of the reason for the lack of implementation of hydrogen fuel cell cars. Interestingly, however, creating new catalysts can also reduce the manufacturing of hydrogen. Since hydrogen can be produced by decomposing natural gas, which requires being passed over silicon or aluminum catalyst (BBC Bitesize, nd), a decrease in the price of the catalyst would directly reduce the cost of manufacturing hydrogen. C: Extending fuel cells life once fully charged There have been numerous collaborations in order to improve the durability of batteries. One exciting development are nanowire batteries, which are now said to be able to withstand 200, 000 rounds of charging due to work at the University of California Irvine. Nanowires are made from gold and future developments could potentially provide the world with the first battery that does not require recharging. Another type of battery using nanotechnology has been developed by the MIT that last three times as long as current options on the market and it can be fully charged in just 6 minutes; they have named it nano yolk (Pocket lit, 2016). Such developments would not only mean hydrogen fuel cell cars become mainstream vehicles but the main way of transport for our ever growing population (Pocket lit, 2016). D: Increasing the safety of hydrogen storage A recent paper (ACS Nano) has suggested Sodium borohydride (NaBH4) as an absorptive storage compound for hydrogen. The paper by leading author Dr. Kondo Francois Aguey Zinsou also stated that NaBH4 can absorb hydrogen so that it gives hydrogen fuel the same energy potential as that of petrol in a similar fuel tank. This would improve the safety of hydrogen storage since the compound NaBaH4 doesnt release hydrogen significantly at cabin temperatures, ranging from 57.3 degrees Celsius to 60.5 degrees Celsius (Manning, R., Ewing, J., 2009) [DS4]However, the compound does have to be engineered in the nanoscale and it has to be engulfed in a nickel shell. Moreover, the sponge-like compound (NaBH4) only releases hydrogen predominantly at 350 degrees Celsius (The A Register, nd). Section 5: Conclusions[DS5] In order to determine whether Nanotechnology can transform hydrogen fuel cell cars into mainstream vehicles, the possibility of 1.15 million hydrogen fuel cell cars being part of the worlds roads must be analyzed. A theoretical perspective on the matter is provided by the US setting the target of having at least 15% of all of Californias cars to be zero emission vehicles be 2025 (Dnews, nd), that translates to 4.2 million cars [In 2012 there were 27.7 million registered cars in California (Reference, nd)]. That most certainly exceeds my target of 1.5 million, which suggest Nanotechnology is on its way to make fuel cell cars mainstream vehicles in America at least. Therefore, I can conclude that Nanotechnology will turn hydrogen fuel cell cars into mainstream vehicles. It is just a matter of time and whether it will be sooner rather than later. Section 6: Evaluation[DS6] Overall the micro research project was carried well. I managed to acquire information from the Internet related to my chosen topic. Although a modification I would make for future report-writing would be to explore my general and then specific subject area before writing my report. I would do this because it will provide me with greater focus from the preliminary stages. In order to further the research work in this report, I would like to carry out primary research on the topic of producing hydrogen with no greenhouse emissions and on whether water vapor is a worse greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. Section 7: References[DS7] Barett, J.T. (nd) How Does the Release of Car Exhaust Fumes Cause Global Warming Available at: (Accessed 30 August 2016). BBC Bitesize (nd) Fractional distillation Available at: (Accessed 2 September 2016) CarbonBrief (2016) IEA: There are now more than 1 million electric cars on the worlds road Available at: (Accessed 30 August 2016). CHFCA (nd) What is a fuel cell Available at: (Accessed 30 August 2016). DigPhilosophy (2013) What is Nanotechnology? What applications can it be used for? Available at: (Accessed 29 August 2016). Dnews (2015) How Hydrogen Fuel Is Made Available at: (Accessed 2September 2016) GreenFacts (2016) Bottom-up vs Top-down (in the context of nanoparticle formation) Available at: (Accessed 31 August 2016) HARDSOFT (2016) Lease and Hire the iMac 27 Retina 5k Available at: (Accessed 31 August 2016) Manning, R., Ewing, J. (2009) Temperature in Cars Survey Available at: (Accessed 3 September 2016) Nairaland Forum (2013) Do You Know How Dangerous The Car Exhaust Is To Your Health Car Talk Nairaland Available at: 30 August 2016). (nd) Nanoscale Available at: (Accessed 1 September 2016) (nd) Whats So Special about the Nanoscale Available at: (Accessed 30 August 2016). [2] (nd) Manufacturing at the Nanoscale Available at: (Accessed 31 August 2016) NanoScale Systems (2015) Top Down vs Bottom Up: 3D -Printing of sensors on the nanoscale Available at: (Accessed 31 August 2016) Pocket lit (2016) Future Batteries, coming soon: charge in seconds, last months and power over air Available at: (Accessed 2September 2016) Register (nd) How many vehicles are in California Available at: (Accessed 2 September 2016) SKY (2016) Sky Broadband Fibre and Talk Available at: (Accessed 31 August 2016) Soutter, W. (2016) Nanotechnology in Fuel Cells Available at: 30 August 2016). sust-it (2015) Electricity Cost Calculator Available at: (Accessed 31 August 2016) Understanding Science (nd) Who pays for science Available at: (Accessed 30 August 2016). techNyouvids (2013) Manufactured Nanomaterials: Health, Safety and the Environment Available at: (Accessed 31 August 2016) The A Register (nd) Scientists find a new way to store hydrogen Available at: (Accessed 2nd of September) Section 8: Acknowledgements I would like to thank the University of East London for hosting the STEM4TECH lectures that enabled me to understand and apply common practice in academia regarding report writing. I would also like to thank Dekkel Simmons for delivering the lectures and Andre Mozert for supporting the STEM4TECH project. [DS1]Good [DS2]Good [DS3]Good. [DS4]Not consistent with Harvard referencing. [DS5]Good [DS6]Good [DS7]Good

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Is Love Worth Preserving Essay

Is love Worth Preserving Love is a universal feeling or emotion and every human on earth throughout history has experienced in one form or the other. Many plays, drama or stories are surrounded by betrayal, hurt; pain, trials, triumphs, wars, passion, forgiveness, commitment and romance. However In the play â€Å"Sakuntala and The Ring of Recollection† this is a perfect example of what seems to be a more dramatic courtship tragedy. The story portrays romance between king Dusyanta and a sage’s daughter Sakuntala both strive to meet and reconcile the conflicting objectives of Indian life; the struggle to balance the need for power and hierarchy with undeniable feelings of passion. King Dusyanta while hunting in forest happens meet the most perfect and organic of all women his ever seen; Sakuntala a beautiful young lady living in a hermitage in the forest. King Dusyanta overwhelmed with Feelings and love, so strong that he desired sakuntala as a wife immediately ignoring his royal duties as king. The king courts her and marries her in a simple ceremony witnessed only by sakuntala’s friends. The king promised to return by offering a ring to signify his commitment. Then Dusyanta leaves for his capital to attend to his royal duties, with the understanding that he will soon return to and take Sakuntala with him for a proper ceremony. Unfortunately, Sakuntala, lost in thoughts of king Dusyanta fails to take notice of Sage Durvasa who comes visiting the hermitage. Angered by this, Durvasa puts a curse on sakuntala that the person she is thinking about will forget her completely. The only remedy to make Dusyanta remember Sakuntala and their marriage is to show him the ring that he had given to Sakuntala. Sakuntala now must go to Dusyanta and show him the ring so that he will again remember her. But unfortunately the ring she is carrying with her fall into a river on her way to Dusyanta and cannot be retrieved. Thus when Sakuntala faces Dusyanta he is unable to recall her. All her pleadings with Dusyanta and efforts to remind him are ineffective in bringing back memories of his commitment. Sakuntala has no alternative but to return. By series of chances the ring that fell in river was found by a fisherman and then presented to Dusyanta, through these he remembers all the past event forgotten. But it is too late by then. Dusyanta is not able to find Sakuntala, who has moved to some other place and has given birth in the meantime to a son, who is named Bharat. Many years later when Bharat is still a child, Dusyanta happens to firs see Bharat playing with a lion cob and then meets Sakuntala and reunited Sakuntala ring of recollection presents the audience with two characters who begin as reasonably autonomous beings but who gradually compromise aspects of their identities in order to complement one another. In doing so, the author suggests that every individual is incomplete without a partner, and he depicts the ideal male and female characters during India’s classical age. Works Cited David, Damrosch, and David L. Pike. The longman Anthopology of world literature, volume A; Sakuntala and the Ring of Recollection. The Ancient world, second edition.

Friday, January 10, 2020

What Everyone Is Saying About Essay Topic Sample Is Wrong and Why

What Everyone Is Saying About Essay Topic Sample Is Wrong and Why The Tried and True Method for Essay Topic Sample in Step by Step Detail One of the most frequent profile essay assignments is one where the author profiles a particular individual, offering information about who that person is and the reason why they are important. The social media has an important contribution to enhance our personal relationships. Colleges want a feeling of maturity and introspectionpinpoint the transformation and demonstrate your private growth. Your essay might incorporate the explanations for teen pregnancy and talk about the present rates of teen pregnancy and potential solutions. You've got to understand and understand where you're making errors, or you won't be in a position to correct them. Every individual faces various life situations when it is necessary to acquire information from a main source to answer certain questions. The issue is that everybody's interpretation of what makes a great society differs. The War Against Essay Topic Sample Using good informational essay topics can have an impact on how good a grade you get. You may incorporate a huge sum of recent research, developing a well-thought essay. Customized essay writing requires specific abilities and degree of knowledge. Browsing our essay writing samples can provide you a good idea whether the standard of our essays is the quality you're looking for. Details of Essay Topic Sample American teenagers essay is an extensive subject that can be focused on several elements which affect the teens, their issues and respective areas in which teenagers have gained recognition. The best methods to accept the society and help it become accept you. Though people believe education is a correct and will make society, overall, a better place for everybody, others feel there's no authentic way to provide a free college education as colleges would still must be funded (likely through tax dollars). The way s students ought to be taught about their wellness. The New Angle On Essay Topic Sample Just Released Writing a proposal essay isn't as difficult as it might sound, it isn't important the way your professor or teacher describes it. This list of questions appears right on the TOEFL practice website and could show up on your real TOEFL writing test. Explaining how to spend less by utilizing open-source texts and internet textbook rental websites would result in an extremely informative essay. Some people think that university students should be asked to attend classes. You're a true topic enthusiast! Select a prompt at random from above, or select a topic which you think will be hard that you detach from (because you are going to want to write about this issue, as opposed to the argument) set timer to 50 minutes and compose the essay. An intriguing topic can be quite so difficult that you can not compose a single word, even when you are craving to achieve that. As it's such a huge subject, you are going to want to narrow your paper down to a particular angle. Choosing Good Essay Topic Sample As tempting as it might appear to skip past the extra info and go right to the list of persuasive essay topics, don't do it. Make certain there are sources from which you are able to retrieve information on the subject of your selection. It is very important to pick the topic carefully. A wide topic is one that doesn't give you specific details what you want to write about. The Ugly Side of Essay Topic Sample There is a good deal of additional work you can do on your own to assist you develop into a better writer. It is crucial to mention that the idea doesn't need to be a good one. Your very first idea is nearly always very likely to be too significant. Not to worry, you will discover some awesome ideas below. Essay Topic Sample Can Be Fun for Everyone As a way to observe where you must head with your writing, you ought to do some self-assessment. Pict ure yourself as a salesperson who must convince the client to make a buy. The list of ideas is provided below. Write a list of ideas you've got or a list of things you're interested in. Essay Topic Sample - Overview It's possible to talk about several other effects resulting from the protein malnutrition and discuss why it's important for all to take adequate protein intake, especially expecting mothers. For instance, the topic Minerals on Mars is an extremely wide topic, as it's unclear whether you must write about all mineral deposits across the full planet of Mars, or in case you should focus just on crystalline minerals, or whether you should prove something true or wrong, and so forth. Today, food has become simpler to prepare. You are able to write about the foods which are rich in protein. There is the problem of jealousy that is in the essay. The word is often utilised in the essay. Dependent on the topic one needs to compile data to create a considerable base and argument in the essay. Consider the subject of the history essay you've already written before. If you wish to compose a great history essay you'd better select a topic that is familiar to you. Researching and deciding on an intriguing topic is the most important point of writing an essay. With the assistance of technology, life is easier today than before. You may want to incorporate a succinct history of plastic surgery and why it has gotten so common. You can be totally sure your paper is going to be delivered in time and be of the maximum quality. It is an impossible task to write a great history paper if you write about something you find boring and don't care about in any way.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Emperor Charles III - Charles the Fat

Charles III was also known as: Charles the Fat; in French, Charles Le Gros; in German, Karl Der Dicke. Charles III was known for: Being the last of the Carolingian line of emperors. Charles acquired most of his lands through a series of unexpected and unfortunate deaths, then proved unable to secure the empire against Viking invasion and was deposed. Although he had control of what was to become France for a short while, Charles III is not usually counted as one of the kings of France. Occupations: King Emperor Places of Residence and Influence: EuropeFrance Important Dates: Born:  839Becomes King of Swabia: Aug. 28, 876Becomes King of Italy: 879Crowned Emperor: Feb. 12, 881Inherits Louis the Youngers Holdings: 882Reunites Empire: 885Deposed: 887Died:  , 888 About Charles III: Charles was the youngest son of Louis the German, who was the son of Louis the Pious and the grandson of Charlemagne. Louis the German arranged marriages for his sons, and Charles was wed to Richardis, the daughter of Count Erchangar of Alemannia.   Louis the German did not control all the territory that his father and grandfather had ruled. That empire had been divided among Louis and his brothers Lothair and Charles the Bald. Although Louis had successfully kept his portion of the empire together against first his brothers, then outer forces, and finally a rebellion by his eldest son Carloman, he decided to divide his lands, according to the Frankish tradition of gavelkind, among his own three sons. Carloman was given Bavaria and much of what is today Austria; Louis the Younger got Franconia, Saxony and Thuringia; and Charles received territory that included Alemannia and Rhaetia, which would later be called Swabia.    When Louis the German died in 876, Charles acceded to the throne of Swabia. Then, in 879, Carloman took ill and resigned; he would die a year later. Charles obtained what was then the kingdom of Italy from his dying brother. Pope John VIII decided that Charles would be his best bet in defending the papacy from Arab threats; and so he crowned Charles emperor and his wife Richardis empress on February 12, 881. Unfortunately for the pope, Charles was too concerned with matters in his own lands to help him out. In 882, Louis the Younger died from injuries sustained in a riding accident, and Charles acquired most of the lands his father had held, becoming king of all the East Franks.   The rest of the empire of Charlemagne had come under the control of Charles the Bald and then his son, Louis the Stammerer. Now two sons of Louis the Stammerer each ruled portions of their late fathers territory. Louis III died in 882 and his brother Carloman died in 884; neither of them had legitimate children. There was a third son of Louis the Stammerer: the future Charles the Simple; but he was only five years old. Charles III was regarded as a better protector of the empire and was chosen to succeed his cousins. Thus, in 885, primarily by inheriting land, Charles III reunited almost all the territory once ruled by Charlemagne, but for Provence, which had been taken by the usurper Boso. Unfortunately, Charles was beset by illness, and was not possessed of the energy and ambition that his predecessors had displayed in building and maintaining the empire. Though he was concerned by Viking activity, he failed to stop their advances, brokering a treaty in 882 with Northmen on the Meuse River that allowed them to settle in Frisia, and paying a tribute to an even more aggressive contingent of Danes who threatened Paris in 886. Neither solution proved particularly beneficial to Charles and his people, especially the latter, which resulted in the Danes pillaging much of Burgundy.   Charles was known to be generous and pious, but he had difficulty dealing with the nobility and was heavily influenced by a much-hated advisor, Liutward, who Charles was ultimately forced to dismiss. This, combined with his inability to halt the progress of the Vikings,  made him an easy target for insurrection. His nephew Arnulf, the illegitimate son of his eldest brother Carloman, had the qualities of leadership that Charles lacked, and in the summer of 887 a general rebellion flared up in support of the younger man. Unable to garner any real backing, Charles eventually agreed to abdicate. He retired to an estate in Swabia that Arnulf granted to him, and died on January 13, 888. In 887 the empire was divided into Western Francia, Burgundy, Italy, and Eastern Francia or the Teutonic Kingdom, which would be governed by Arnulf. Further war was not far off, and the empire of Charlemagne would never again be one cohesive entity. More Charles III Resources: Charles III in Print The compare prices link below will take you to a site where you can compare prices at booksellers across the web. More in-depth info about the book may be found by clicking on to the books page at one of the online merchants. The visit merchant link leads directly to an online bookstore; neither nor Melissa Snell is responsible for any purchases you may make through this link. Kingship and Politics in the Late Ninth Century: Charles the Fat and the End of the Carolingian Empire(Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought: Fourth Series)by Simon MacLeanVisit merchantThe Carolingians: A Family Who Forged Europeby Pierre Richà ©; translated by Michael Idomir AllenCompare prices The Carolingian Empire Chronological Index Geographical Index Index by Profession, Achievement, or Role in Society The text of this document is copyright  ©2014-2016  Melissa Snell. You may download or print this document for personal or school use, as long as the URL below is included. Permission is   not  granted to reproduce this document on another website. For publication permission,  please   contact  Melissa Snell. The URL for this document is: